Like George Muller, who literally depended entirely, and only, on prayer to feed, clothe, house, and
educate thousands of British orphans, the brethren in Eastern Europe often pray and fast and look directly
to the Lord to provide for their needs
We Have a Thick "File-Full" of Stories About the Lord's Miraculous Answers to Your Prayers...
Often, our teams arrive at a church
or home and are met with exhuberant rejoicing as the Christians there tell our team members that they have been
praying specifically for the Bibles and other items we brought!
In other cases,
our teams can observe very clearly (i.e. without being told) what the needs are as we see a family with only a few pages
of the Bible to read; or a home with a caved-in roof and broken/boarded windows; or empty food shelves; or no shoes
in the dead of winter.
in still other cases, our teams are told by someone else about the needs being faced by new believers without a Bible;
or a Pastor and family, a single Mom, a widow, an orphan, or street kids living without basic necessities...(including
basic spiritual necessities such as a family Bible, a Pastor's Study Bible, a Children's Bible, and Sunday School materials).
They Can't
Depend Upon Cash, Credit Cards or Bank Accounts
Your prayers
count for so much in Eastern Europe where cash is scarce and evangelical Christians usually can't just write
a check or charge urgently needed items to a credit card. (And most consider a Bible to be an absolute necessity
- asking for Bibles even before their "daily bread").